Privacy Policy (henceforth referred as the "site") aspires to fend its users' privacy.Therefore we request all the users to read the 'privacy policy' so as to gain an understanding of how the data (personal and business) will be used by the site.The policies laid down are applicable only to inclusive of all its' forums and blogs and not by any other company.

a) Data Related Policies gathers data from all its users related to their business or their personal information in some cases, thereby giving access to all its services.The users have to go through the process of registration where data like the users name, e-mail address and other personal information need to be furnished.After the process of registration the user is considered registered with the site and it is conclusive that the user has given the site the right to publish the furnished information across all its site (inclusive of all its forums and blogs) or any such portal administered by the site.

The data and information provided by the users at the site is information that is used solely by the site unless it is mentioned otherwise,in some cases the data can be shared with sponsors for promotions either directly sponsored by them or co-sponsored by the site.

However in such cases the user reserves the right of sharing the data if he does not wish his/her data to be propagated.

b) Policies pertaining the use of data

The purpose of the use of users data by the site is aimed at promoting the user (his company/business/organization) and building trust in the community of buyers. All our services are rendered free.

The site also uses the information furnished by the users' to cater to all targeted markets, advertisements, offers, requests or any such relevant matters where the user's stands to gain through its site, forum, blogs or any such space administered by

Also once the information is shared with the site the user/s may start receiving business communication in the form of mail, phone calls, sms notifications from various buyers and sellers which may or may not interest them.The site also does not exercise any control over the sending/receiving inquiries to/from the sellers buyers, that is a sole matter of conviction of the buyer /seller.

c) Data Encapsulation/protection, modification, distribution related policies intends to preserve and shield the users data from unfair, illegal and besmirch-able usage. The site therefore does not sell any of the users data(business and personal) to any party that has not been deemed as suitable and appropriate by the users. The site also requests users to log-out of browsers while accessing their accounts in public. The site encourages the use of a virtual keypad where necessary.The site exercises all possible controls in this sporadic competitive market to keep your data secure,but unfortunately all transmission and those that are handled by the users can not be assured with a 100 % security tag.

The users at any time reserve the right to change/edit/modify the information provided at the site by logging manually or by sending a request for the same to the admin department.Also the user can delete his/her account with the site but that would result in restricted access to the area oly supposed to be for members. However logs of such users could still exist in the records. sends e-mails regarding its product and services to its users from time to time in the pursuit of improving the users experience with the site. The site solely or its authorized agents under confidentiality will be sending such mails.

d) Lifespan of the Policies

The policies are subject to change from time to time as is considered suitable in the benefit of the users and the company.Please check periodically for updates.